QUESTION: O’Reilly Says, Obama’s ‘DEEP Ties To Islam’ Have HURT America. Do You Agree

After eight years of Obama, the field of “journalism” has become a joke. Thankfully, there are still some honest journalists out there.Bill O’Reilly came out swinging against Obama and his connections. O’Reilly explained that Obama’s “emotional attachment to the Muslim world has hurt” the United States; and that, “The Obama administration’s greatest failure is allowing the Islamic terror group ISIS to run wild, murdering thousands of innocent people all over the world, including many Muslims.”

Thank you, Mr.  We can always count on you for the truth.
The Obama era made it too easy for radical Islam to spread. Obama needs to admit that he failed our country.

 Radical Islam is not compatible with our values. We do not want Sharia law in our country.

 We need to take a stand against the spread of radical Islam. Thank goodness Donald Trump is not afraid to say the words “radical Islam.”

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