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Barack Obama Calls Trump’s Whore To Melania On CNN Live Today (Video). Would You Support President Trump To Arrest Him?

News: Barack Obama Calls Trump’s Whore To Melania On CNN Live Today (Video). Would You Support President Trump To Arrest Him?
سبتمبر 01, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

IT’S OFFICIAL! President Trump Makes BOLD Move To SHUT DOWN Obama’s Shadow Government,’ This Is Amazing [DETAILS]

 Barack Obama figured out how to be one of the most grounded and sharpest liberal elitists. I will give him this title in light of the fact that, not at all like Hillary and McCain, he succeeded the best of them every single liberal follower, and has a HUGE responsibility for the globalists’ motivation and their shadow government.

Shadow government, profound state words that help us to remember something pitiless and dark. It is not a trick. Simply LOOK what they did to the USA. These liberals attempted to make an IGNORANT and DEPENDENT country.

Simply look what they do: imbecilic little welfare arrangement as opposed to giving employments, mainstream media mentally conditioning rather than through and through freedom and appropriate instruction, LGBT and psychological warfare rather than religion(spirituality) and peacefulness.

 That is the thing that they need to do. Donald Trump ceased them. He all of a sudden appeared unexpectedly and broke their system. From that minute on, the baffled and urgent liberal elitists attempt to adhere to their SHADOW GOVERNMENT.

أغسطس 27, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

Click to vote: Should Illegals Be Cut Off From Welfare & All Government Assistance?

They DO SO get government assistance and as a matter a fact, they get more then many AMERICANS get!!!! You need to do your own research young lady!!!! I have heard many immigrants talk about how they are not receiving enough money and wish that the government would get more. I also know one that works at Social Security and they have shared the facts that I just explained to you!!!!
أغسطس 22, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

Obama: The Country Owes Me A Debt Of Gratitude!

Prior to Obama, President Jimmy Carter held the title of ‘worst president ever’ to serve our nation. Of course, after 8 years in office, there’s no question Obama ‘hands down’ has more than achieved that award. In fact, so much so, many Americans now think of Obama as the ‘worst president ever’.

 Even President Trump said Obama will go down as “perhaps the ‘worst president ever’ in the history of the United States!”

أغسطس 19, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

QUESTION: O’Reilly Says, Obama’s ‘DEEP Ties To Islam’ Have HURT America. Do You Agree

After eight years of Obama, the field of “journalism” has become a joke. Thankfully, there are still some honest journalists out there.Bill O’Reilly came out swinging against Obama and his connections. O’Reilly explained that Obama’s “emotional attachment to the Muslim world has hurt” the United States; and that, “The Obama administration’s greatest failure is allowing the Islamic terror group ISIS to run wild, murdering thousands of innocent people all over the world, including many Muslims.”

Thank you, Mr.  We can always count on you for the truth.
The Obama era made it too easy for radical Islam to spread. Obama needs to admit that he failed our country.

 Radical Islam is not compatible with our values. We do not want Sharia law in our country.

 We need to take a stand against the spread of radical Islam. Thank goodness Donald Trump is not afraid to say the words “radical Islam.”

أغسطس 18, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

BREAKING: Massive Rally AGAINST Islam And Sharia Law In U.S . Do You Support This

BREAKING! Massive Rally AGAINST Islam And Sharia Law In Michigan. Do You Support This?

Yes       No

أغسطس 18, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد

District Attorney Announces He’s Going After Obama For TREASON

Barack Obama may be in very hot water. Dana Boente, who was acting Attorney General until Jeff Sessions was officially approved by the Senate, wants to charge Obama with TREASON.

According to Boente, Obama did a lot of illegal stuff while in office, and has escalated his treasonous behavior since leaving.

Boente has been after Obama for a while. As US District Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, he was next in the line of succession for Attorney General.

Obama signed an executive order shortly before leaving office cutting Boente out of that line of succession. But Trump quickly restored Boente after he entered the White House.

From Trump’s inauguration until February 9, Boente was Acting Attorney General, and remains second in line behind Sessions.
أغسطس 18, 2017 | 0 التعليقات | قراءة المزيد